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Web Research




Finding a product

You have a product in mind

Most of the information given on seeking a company is relevant here. First try a site which specializes in product information such as the Thomas Register or the Physics Today Buyers Guide. If this fails to locate the information that you need move on to the search engines. A few useful ones are AltaVista, InfoSeek and Excite. There are others which can be located by selecting search from you browser.

Browse the results or refine your results from the search to remove some of the clutter. Often, you will find information or links to further information with University or personal web pages, so don't ignore these just because the web address of the search result does not have a company's name incorporated within. Many materials, Si, SiC, GaN have 'home pages' where some kind person has collected relevant links to product information, suppliers and preparation techniques. If you locate one of these your fortunate.

If this produces no results other resources are: scientific publishing companies, news groups and specialty groups.

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The content of this page was last modified Friday September 24, 1999
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