V444 Cyg
V444 Cyg is a short period, colliding wind binary system that consists of a main-sequence O star and nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet star. Because the winds from both stars are strong, a shock forms between them. It is the canonical system for both radiative braking (Owocki & Gayley 1995) and radiative inhibition (Stevens & Pollock 1994), and without these processes the WN wind would slam into the surface of the O star. My collaborators and I recently used optical polarimetric and X-ray data to detect the effects of these processes in the system for the first time (Lomax et al. 2015). In addition, we found that the quick period of the system causes the Coriolis force to distort the wind collision region so that it is not symmetric about the lines of centers connecting the two stars. Currently, we are actively pursuing follow up observations to better determine the polarization behavior of V444 Cyg's emission lines.