Quantum Vacuum Collaboration Meeting,
March 2008
Talks in pdf and ppt format
Last updated: March 19, 2008
by Kim Milton E-mail
Here is
The structure of quasiasymptotics of Schwartz distributions,
by Jasson Vindas.
Here is Distributional interpretation
of Casimir energies, by Klaus Kirsten.
Here is Casimir torque between
corrugated surfaces: I. Next to leading order contributions,
by K. V. Shajesh.
Here is Casimir torque between
corrugated surfaces: II. Non-contact gears, by Prachi Parashar.
Here is
Cavity with one side permeable, by Zhonghai Liu.
Here is
Casimir effect between poor conductors: parallel plates
by Simen Ellingsen.
Here is Multiple-scattering methods in Casimir
calculations, by Kim Milton.
The OU talks given at the August 2007 QV collaboration meeting are found
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