Physics 5163:
Graduate Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
This web page will deal with course material for the graduate class on
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. At the moment, it only
involves some Mathematica notebooks. I'll add some references to
preprints and the like soon. If there is interest, I can put the
homework sets on the web. I'm inclined not to post the solutions:
first, they are available in the library and the solutions might be used
by students at other universities on assigned homework. If there
is a lot of interest in my posting the solutions, I'll think about it.
"But you wanted this. You wanted to see. You
wanted to know. And here it is.."
Below are some references for various topics covered in the course:
Thermodynamics, by Callen. Strongly recommended.
Thermodynamics, by Weinreich. Out of print, but on reserve.
Kinetic Theory:
Puzzles and Problems:
"It wants to open, that's the thing."
Mathematica Notebooks:
Homework Assignments and Handouts:
"But, please; feel free. Explore. We'll always be here . . ."
Click here for
the description of my research in our graduate brochure.
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