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Electronic Components

Probe Monitoring

AFM Position Sensing Components

Focused light emitted from an infrared LED is reflected onto a cantilever which, in turn, reflects the onto a second mirror into a quadrant photodetector. When the LED is properly aligned, an the cantilever is undeflected, the four quadrants will produce equal current outputs. Deflecting the cantilever along the verticle and/or horizontal axis will change the input power on the detector quadrants indicating the direction and extent of the cantilever's deflection.

  • Advanced Photonix makes our photodector for AFM operation. Their site contain a description of the position sensitive detector as well as the specifications for our model, the SD380-23-21-025.
  • A quadrant's output is amplified by a Burr-Brown OPA627AP op amp.
  • This output is summed/differenced by an Analog Devices AD620AN operational amplifier. The difference of the upper quadrants sum to the low quadrant's sum indicates the normal force, while the difference of the left and right sums indicate latteral force. A third output is a summation of the quadrants and provides normalization.

Non-Contact AFM

AFM in non-contact mode, the feedback signal is derived from the force induced shift in resonance frequency of a vibrating cantilever. The driving frequency of the cantilever is set by a piezo drive attached to the cantilever mount. The vibrational frequency of the tip is monitored by the standard AFM detector, but with added feedback into the system to control the piezo drive frequency and amplitude.

STM Positional Feedback Components

A voltage is applied between the sample and tip. The magnitude of the current flowing through the circuit is strongly dependent upon the tip to sample distance. This strong positional dependence is the heart of the STM feedback circuit.

  • The tip current is amplified in-vacuo by a Burr-Brown OPA602 op amp.

Z Piezo Control

The control of the Z piezo consists of two components: the Z piezo drive unit which performs the actual positioning of the sample with respect to the tip and the Z piezo regulation circuit.

The Z piezo is driven by a +/- 135 VDC supply.

Z Input

The control voltage for the Z piezo is set through a DAC and nominally has a range of +/- 10 VDC which is further amplified by a piezo driver circuit to obtain the full piezo drive voltage range. The control circuit can be software modified to deliver a range of +/- 1 VDC which provides a resolution enhancement of Z movements while limiting the piezo overall range.

The detector output, FN, for AFM or the current, I, from STM operation along with proportional and intergral gains provide the feedback for the control voltage circuit.

Z Output

The control voltage (Z) of the Z piezo (+/- 10 VDC) is differenced with an offset voltage (Z0) and is passed into an ADC. The difference (Z-Z0) can be amplified by: 1, 10 or 100 to provide enhanced Z resolution.

Z piezo Drive




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The content of this page was last modified Friday September 24, 1999
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