Omicron UHV-SPM Specifications
Top down view of the STM tip (left) and sample (right center). The
Omicron system runs in a scanned sample mode which implies that the tip
remains stationary while the sample assembly is moved by the piezo drives in
response to tip feedback and scan parameters.
System Specifications
- Operation Modes
- Contact AFM
- Non-Contact AFM
- Coarse Motion Drive
- X travel - ± 4 mm
- Y travel - Not Available
- Z travel (AFM) - 8 mm minus sample thickness
- Z travel (STM) - 6 mm minus sample thickness
- Standard Scanner
- Maximum Scan Size - 9 x 9 mm
- Piezo Sensitivity X and Y - 10 nm/V each segment
- Piezo Sensitivity Z - 10 nm/V
- Electronic Specifications
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