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Contamination Growth

As a rule of thumb, one monolayer (~1015 atoms/cm2 or ~3 Å) of material can be captured by a surface every second at 10-6 Torr. The amount which adheres to the surface depends upon the 'sticking coeficient'. A value of 1 means that each atom that arrives at the surface will remain. The coeficient will vary as the surface changes and will eventually arrive at a steady state and the contaminant layer will not increase further. The MBE and SPM systems operate with background pressures in the 10-10 range or better. At these pressures, the main contaminants which remain in the system are hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

To complete the perspective, 1 atmosphere of pressure is 760 Torr. There is then 13 orders of magnitude difference in pressure between the SPM chamber and and air. A single monolayer of contaminants will arrive at the surface of a sample in about 3 hours.




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