Omicron Scanning Probe Microscope
An Omicron Multiprobe S
system consisting of a Mu-metal analysis chamber, an isolatable Scanned Probe chamber
and a fast entry load/lock system was installed in February 1999. An upgrade is currently
in progress to interconnect the SPM system with two existing Varian/Intervac MBE growth
chambers and XPS/Auger analysis system. The upgraded system will allow the transfer, in UHV,
of samples between the growth chambers and the SPM system for in situ
analysis/modification of materials. The upgrade is expected to be completed in
October of 1999.
Typical operating pressures are 2 x 10-10 Torr.
View of Omicron system facing south
The Omicron SPM and analyis system are supported at three points by air legs (not visible).
This enhances the vibration isolation provided by the standard Eddy Current Damping Stage
supporting the SPM scanner. Platforms under the air legs further raise the center line height
of the system to that of the MBE/Analysis units.
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