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Research Interests

The focus of my current research involves a UHV Omicron Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) which is being integrated into a system with two Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) chambers and an analysis chamber with dual X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and an Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) capabilities.

This powerful tool will allow in situ analysis and modification of materials grown with the MBE systems. Since the materials will remain in Ultra High Vacuum (UHV), contamination layers which would form on materials with exposure to air are virtually eliminated.

Although the in-situ SPM provides unparalleled performace for maintaining the surface of samples, it is not always required to procure information about a material. Therefore, a Topometrix air SPM is often used for material evaluation. We have recently incorporated the scanning system in an environmental control box to provide a dried/heated N2 gas environment which will remove water from the surface and enhance the surface detail.

Current work with the Topometrix system involves an Optical study of III-V Multiple quantum wells which can be reviewed at this site.

Prior to my arrival in Oklahoma I was involved with research at Vanderbilt University with Len Feldman using a 2 MeV Van de Graff accelerator for materials analysis of the SiO2/SiC interface, the SMART-CUT process in SiC and hydrogen defects in silicon. My experience in ion beams initiated during my graduate work at Ohio University with David Ingram. My focus there was hydrogen analysis of diamond-like carbon using Elasitic Recoil Spectroscopy (ERS). I'm still pursuing an upgrade to a RBS/ERS command-line program (IRMA) written during my graduate work to incorporate a GUI interface.
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