My area of research is in experimental high energy physics where we study the most basic fundamental particles and their interactions. For a good overview of particle physics and to see what we do, see the Particle Adventure . In order to do this type of research we often work at very large particle colliders (such as Fermilab and CERN) and very large experiments (such as D0 and ATLAS) (see links below). These colliders and experiments are expensive and complex so this means we work with very large collaborations (Some of my collaborators) . High intensity beams of protons are accelerated to nearly the speed of light and brought together to collide. These high energy collisions produces many other particles which we record using our detectors. Einstein's famous equation E=MC2 relates energy to mass so these high energy collisions can prouduce very massive particles that only exist for a very short time. Because we record such a large amount of data, we require very large scale computing such as the Open Science Grid (OSG) to help us do our research.
My personal research page also has more details on my specific research: My Research Page .
Fall 2024: Phys 3053 Classical Mechanics II
Spring 2024: Phys 3043 Classical Mechanics I
Fall 2023: Physics 3053 Classical Mechanics II
Spring 2023: Phys 3043 Classical Mechanics I
Fall 2022: Physics 3053 Classical Mechanics II: Phys 3223 Modern Physics for Engineers
Spring 2022: Phys 3043 Classical Mechanics I
Fall 2021: Physics 3053 Classical Mechanics II
Spring 2021: Phys 3043 Classical Mechanics I
Fall 2020: Sabbatical
Spring 2020: Physics 3043 Classical Mechanics I
Fall 2019: Physics 3053 Classical Mechanics II
Spring 2019: Physics 3043 Classical Mechanics I
Fall 2018: Physics 3053 Classical Mechanics II
Spring 2018: Physics 3043 Classical Mechanics I
Fall 2017: Physics 4803 Quantum Mechanics II
Spring 2017: Physics 3803 Quantum Mechanics I
Fall 2016: Physics 4803 Quantum Mechanics II
Spring 2016: Physics 3803 Quantum Mechanics I
Fall 2015: Physics 4803 Quantum Mechanics II
Spring 2015: Physics 3803 Quantum Mechanics I
Fall 2014: Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Spring 2014: Physics 1114 Physics for Non-Science Majors
Fall 2013: Sabbatical
Spring 2013 : Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Fall 2012: Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Spring 2012 : Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Fall 2011 : Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Spring 2011: Physics 2424 Physics for Life Science Majors
Fall 2010: Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Fall 2009: Physics 4803 Quantum Mechanics II
Spring 2009:Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Fall 2008:Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Spring 2008:Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Spring 2006-Fall 2007: Writing lab manuals and a sabbatical.
Fall 2005: Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Spring 2005: Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Fall 2004: Physics 2414 Physics for Life Science Majors
Fall 2003,2002: Physics 4803 Quantum Mechanics II
Spring 2003,2002: Physics 3803 Quantum Mechanics I