Today is Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 03:32:07 CST.
This page was last updated on Monday, 28-Aug-2006 03:45:45 CDT.
Gateway sites | |
Physics on the Internet | List of links to other sites; maintained by PlasmaGate; includes links to data bases and free physics software |
Physics Encyclopedia | Extensive set of links to Internet resources in various fields of physics |
Atomic Physics around the World | Links to sites related (sometimes vaguely) to atomic physics, organized by country; maintained by Plasma gate. |
Atomic Physics Links | Wide-ranging, comprehensive links maintained by Livermore Lab. |
Yahoo Physics Links | Less carefully screened but exhaustive list of links concerning physics and related topics; use with caution. | physics links | Even less carefully screened but even more exhaustive. Some useful stuff, but use with extreme caution. |
PhysLink | Very extensive reference site of links to on-line resources and information about physics, astronomy, and engineering. |
Databases | |
Units & Conversion factors | Interactive conversion factory & definitions of units. |
Encyclopedia Brittanica | A great place to find introductory info about nearly any topic in physics. Well organized, with excellent use of hypertext and graphics (and equations). Also rates academic web sites. |
Data bases for atomic & plasma physics | Extensive list of links to mostly specialized data bases maintained by Plasma gate. |
NIST physical reference data | Terrific source of information about physical constants, conversion factors, and more specialized stuff maintained by the National Institute of Standards & Technology |
SUNAMCO Report on line | The authority on Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, Atomic Masses and Constants; maintained by IUPAP; note tables of atomic masses and fundamental constants |
The Laws List | Extremely nifty site containing laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, & thought-experiments in physics. |
Periodic Table on the Internet | Excellent resource for data about the elements. Interactive (and printable) periodic table. Created by Mark Winter [University of Sheffield, England] |
All About the Elements | Absolutely up-to-date info about the elements---includes a 3D periodic table, the Alexander arrangements of the elements, info about new elements, and lots lots more. Awesome. |
Reference Desk on the Web | Links and downloads for reference data and information on almost every topic you can imagine --- including physics. |
Help learning physics | |
Tips on taking tests | Friendly, thoughtful advice from Richard M. Felder of NCSU and James E. Stice of UT Austin. |
Student's survival guide | Written for engineers but good advice for physics students too; also by Richard M. Felder of NCSU |
JAVA Physics applets | List of physics related Java Applets (also some VRML and Shockwave stuff) available on the Net |
The Net Advance Of Physics | Review articles and tutorials in an encyclopedic format maintained by Laboratory for Nuclear Science |
Treasure Trove of Physics | Vast, continually expanding on-line interactive encyclopedia by Eric Weisstein. |
Introductory Physics | Notes on most of Intro Physics topics from Univ. of Winnipeg |
Physics Tutorials | Database of on-line tutorials by Bill Teesdale. |
Math and physics help | Collection of tutorial-style papers written by Kenny Felder to explain various aspects of physics. |
Current physics news | |
AIP Physics News Update | Technically oriented late-breaking developments in our favorite field. |
Physics Web | Outstanding global news source maintained by IOP. |
Physical Review Focus | Praiseworthy attempt to translate especially interesting articles from Physical Review Letters into language so others than their authors can understand them. Often offers neat color pictures too. |
Public information about physics | Links to physics news, graphs, etc. maintained by the American Institute of Physics |
Physics sciences resource center | Extensive, regularly updated source of current information about news related to physics and physics education. |
Miscellaneous resources | |
How Things Work | Nifty site run by Louis A. Bloomfield of the University of Virginia; a ``talk show'' of questions and answers about physics on the WWW |
Physics 2000 | Extensive set of applets on all sorts of topics. |
Usenet Physics FAQ | Web version of the Usenet Physics FAQ; provides good answers to questions which have been discussed often in sci.physics and related usenet newsgroups. More extensive than sci.physics. FAQ. |
sci.physics FAQ | Wealth of information from this excellent, professional news group. Hard to find stuff but worth it when you find it. |
Physics Limericks | Exactly what it sounds like. Submit your own! |
The Little Shop of Physics | Fun physics outreach site from Colorado State Universality. |
Pictures of famous physicists | Thousands of downloadable images; maintained by AIP. |