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Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Oklahoma
Site created December 16, 1999
Copyright © 2005 by Michael A. Morrison
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Physics Links
Gateway sites
Physics on the Internet List of links to other sites; maintained by PlasmaGate; includes links to data bases and free physics software
Physics Encyclopedia Extensive set of links to Internet resources in various fields of physics
Atomic Physics around the World Links to sites related (sometimes vaguely) to atomic physics, organized by country; maintained by Plasma gate.
Atomic Physics Links Wide-ranging, comprehensive links maintained by Livermore Lab.
Yahoo Physics Links Less carefully screened but exhaustive list of links concerning physics and related topics; use with caution.
About.com physics links Even less carefully screened but even more exhaustive. Some useful stuff, but use with extreme caution.
PhysLink Very extensive reference site of links to on-line resources and information about physics, astronomy, and engineering.
Units & Conversion factors Interactive conversion factory & definitions of units.
Encyclopedia Brittanica A great place to find introductory info about nearly any topic in physics. Well organized, with excellent use of hypertext and graphics (and equations). Also rates academic web sites.
Data bases for atomic & plasma physics  Extensive list of links to mostly specialized data bases maintained by Plasma gate.
NIST physical reference data Terrific source of information about physical constants, conversion factors, and more specialized stuff maintained by the National Institute of Standards & Technology
SUNAMCO Report on line The authority on Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, Atomic Masses and Constants; maintained by IUPAP; note tables of atomic masses and fundamental constants
The Laws List Extremely nifty site containing laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, & thought-experiments in physics.
Periodic Table on the Internet Excellent resource for data about the elements. Interactive (and printable) periodic table. Created by Mark Winter [University of Sheffield, England]
All About the Elements Absolutely up-to-date info about the elements---includes a 3D periodic table, the Alexander arrangements of the elements, info about new elements, and lots lots more. Awesome.
Reference Desk on the Web Links and downloads for reference data and information on almost every topic you can imagine --- including physics.
Help learning physics
Tips on taking tests Friendly, thoughtful advice from Richard M. Felder of NCSU and James E. Stice of UT Austin.
Student's survival guide Written for engineers but good advice for physics students too; also by Richard M. Felder of NCSU
JAVA Physics applets List of physics related Java Applets (also some VRML and Shockwave stuff) available on the Net
The Net Advance Of Physics Review articles and tutorials in an encyclopedic format maintained by Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Treasure Trove of Physics Vast, continually expanding on-line interactive encyclopedia by Eric Weisstein.
Introductory Physics Notes on most of Intro Physics topics from Univ. of Winnipeg
Physics Tutorials Database of on-line tutorials by Bill Teesdale.
Math and physics help Collection of tutorial-style papers written by Kenny Felder to explain various aspects of physics.
Current physics news
AIP Physics News Update Technically oriented late-breaking developments in our favorite field.
Physics Web Outstanding global news source maintained by IOP.
Physical Review Focus Praiseworthy attempt to translate especially interesting articles from Physical Review Letters into language so others than their authors can understand them. Often offers neat color pictures too.
Public information about physics Links to physics news, graphs, etc. maintained by the American Institute of Physics
Physics sciences resource center Extensive, regularly updated source of current information about news related to physics and physics education.
Miscellaneous resources
How Things Work Nifty site run by Louis A. Bloomfield of the University of Virginia; a ``talk show'' of questions and answers about physics on the WWW
Physics 2000 Extensive set of applets on all sorts of topics.
Usenet Physics FAQ Web version of the Usenet Physics FAQ; provides good answers to questions which have been discussed often in sci.physics and related usenet newsgroups. More extensive than sci.physics. FAQ.
sci.physics FAQ Wealth of information from this excellent, professional news group. Hard to find stuff but worth it when you find it.
Physics Limericks Exactly what it sounds like. Submit your own!
The Little Shop of Physics Fun physics outreach site from Colorado State Universality.
Pictures of famous physicists Thousands of downloadable images; maintained by AIP.