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Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Oklahoma
Site created December 16, 1999
Copyright © 2005 by Michael A. Morrison
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Mathematica Links
On-line tutorials ser
Mathematica Tutorial Home Page Los Alamos National Lab "Cluster Team"
Mathematica Interface Tutorial WITM - Web Interface to Mathematica
Mathematica Tutorial Univ.of Manitoba Interactive Mathematica Project
Mathematica packages and notebooks
MathSource  Wolfram Resource
Packages, lecture materials, & interfaces Open Source Mathematica Add-Ons
Guide to Available Mathematical Software National Institute of Standards & Technology
David Park's Mathematica Page David Park
On-line help
Technical questions about Mathematica Wolfram Research's FAQ
MathGroup EMAIL group for Mathematica users
MathGroupArchive Wolfram Research
MathHelp Yale University's Mathematica Help page
Supplementary Help Browser Ted Ersek
Mathematica 3 Tip Sheet Principia Consulting
Journals and books
The Mathematica Journal Wolfram Research
Mathematica in Education & Research TELOS
On-line Mathematica Bookstore Wolfram Research
Miscellaneous resources
The Integrator Free on-line interactive I'll-do-any-integral-via-Mathematica facility from Wolfram: "The Power To Do Integrals as the World has Never Seen," or so they claim. It works.
SymbolicNet Information Center Kent State University
More Mathematica-related URLs MathGroup
Recommended Mathematica Books
The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica, V. 4 Jerry Glynn & Theodore Gray (Cambridge U. P.)
The Mathematica Primer Kevin R. Coombes, Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman, John E. Osborn, & Garrett J. Stuck (Cambridge U. P.)
The Student's Introduction to Mathematica Bruce F. Torrence & Eve A. Torrence (Cambridge U. P.)
Getting Started with Mathematica C.-K. Cheung, G. E. Keough, Charles Landraitis, and Roberg H. Gross (John Wiley & Sons)
Programming in Mathematica (3rd Edition) Roman Maeder (Addison-Wesley)
Mathematica Navigator Heikki Ruskeepaa (Academic Press)
Power Programming with Mathematica David B. Wagner (McGraw Hill)
Mastering Mathematica: Programming and Applications John W. Gray (Academic Press)