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LaTeX Links

Gateway sites
The LaTeX Navigator Links to information about installing LaTeX on various types of computers. Very extensive links to other on-line documentation and other FAQ pages.
LaTeX Help Page An excellent resource with links to CTAN, Usenet News groups about LaTeX and on-line documentation about LaTeX. Also includes an extensive list of other help pages. Beware: some of the links don't work.
TeX Resources on the Web Quite comprehensive (but still selective) categorized list of links the TeX Users Group by Sebastian Rahtz, with the help of Michel Goossens and Barbara Beeton, experts all. Especially recommended to (slightly) experienced users who seek help or documentation on intermediate-to-advanced problems.
On-line help sites
Getting Started with LaTeX IMO the best on-line guide for newcomers. Well organized, easily navigated with extensive clear and short descriptions organized not by command but by what you're trying to do. HTML pages.
TeX Frequently Asked Questions WWW version of the UK TeX Users Group TeX Frequently Asked Questions list. Info mostly very general, but useful for beginners.
LaTeX on-line reference Nearly complete, very well organized on-line reference materials for doing almost anything with LaTeX (from the University of Queensland).
LaTeX and PDF Extremely helpful information about how to convert LaTeX documents to PDF format (Adobe Acrobat Reader). See also PDFTeX support page.
LaTeX: From Quick and Dirty to Finesse Web page by Dr. Tony Roberts (University of Queensland). A good introduction. HTML pages..
The New Standard LaTeX Source of documents explaining the features of LaTeX2e. Most documents require an introductory-level knowledge of basic LaTeX.
On-line Documentation (most in PDF format)
A Gentle Introduction to LaTeX Exactly what it sounds like. Available in DVI format.
LaTeX: (Not So) Short Intro Exactly what it sounds like: useful and succinct. Written by Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partial, Irene Hyna, and Elisabeth Schlegl.
Getting Started With LaTeX Introductory guide by D. R. Wilkins.
Using Imported Graphics Outstanding discussion by Keith Reckdahl of using *EPS (and other) imported graphics. Especially good on manipulating figures via CTAN subpackages.
Introduction to BibTeX HTML discussion of commands, qualifiers, and *.bib & *.bst files.
LaTeX: Commonly Used Features Useful, succinct summaries by D. R. Wilkins. Contains separate well-orgainzied sections summarizing rules for ordinary text and rules for mathematical formulae.
Other Useful on-line resources
A short, well-annotated list of excellent introductory on-line free guides at various levels. A few are available only in DVI files, which can be printed or viewed only on a machine on which a version of TeX has been loaded. TOP OF PAGE
Comprehensive TeX Network (CTAN) sites
CTAN Brief Catalog on line Regularly updated alphabetical list of all CTAN packages with short descriptions. Find the one you want, click on its name, and you're taken to a page with a more complete description and various download options. The place to start if you're browsing.
CTAN Fully Documented Catalog Contents identical to brief list above, but with complete descriptions and links shown along with each entry. Takes much longer to download than the brief catalog, but if you're using the Ethernet it's a much faster way to find the package you want and download it.
CTAN search page Go here if you know the package you want or the chore you need to accomplish. Search engine takes you directly to particular packages orto those that will perform a particular task. TOP OF PAGE
LaTeX Download sites
Download latest LaTeX Version FTP site where the current LaTeX is kept; updated yearly. For info about the latest version, see the LaTeX home page.
Free TeX Implementations Links to sites where you can download free (but complete) and shareware versions of TeX/LaTeX (emTeX or mikTeX are both recommended) as well as find information on commercial ones. Also contains an excellent set of links to sources for packages (including but beyond those in CTAN).
PcTeX (Personal Tex, Inc.) My favorite commercial version. Contains integrated text editor, previewer, and printer (with all fonts for Windows and postscript).
Y & Y TeX Another fine commercial implementation; comes with Adobe PS fonts and Adobe Font Manager. Registered WinEDT text editor included free. Also comes with CDROM containing complete CTAN library (although NB CTAN is updated daily with new packages and enhanced versions of existing packages.) TOP OF PAGE
Text Editor and Reference Data Base Download sites
TextPad Excellent shareware editor with special features that facilitate using Tex. PC only. Recommended especially for newcomers to Tex. Good on-line help but no user's guide in any format.
WinEDT Outstanding shareware editor for TeX, LaTeX, and programming languages, Extensive special features for more advanced TeX users. Good on-line help but no user's guide in any format.
WinDB for Windows Data base software for managing your references. Generates files from which BibTeX can format references, so you'll never have to type reference information more than once. Invaluable! TOP OF PAGE
Journal Specific Download sites
RevTeX 4 Download Site Source of American Physical Society packages, templates, and users guide for RevTeX; the whole kit and caboodle is available in a ZIP files. Contains a "symbol file" revsymb.sty which contains definitions for lots of physics symbols not contained in AMSTeX which can be used independ of ReVTeX (e.g., in theses).
Institute of Physics Download Site Access LaTeX macro packages, examples (article template), and documentation for all IOP journals: Journal of Physics A--D, Physics Reports, etc .TOP OF PAGE
Recommended Books
A Guide to LaTeX (4th Edition) Clear, well-organized treatment ranging from introductory to intermediate; by Holmut Kopka & Patrick W. Daly (Addison-Wesley,).
Math into LaTeX (3nd Edition) Narrower focus than Kipka & Daly with many examples of mathematical typesetting & an especially good set of Appendices. By George Gratzer (Birkhauser,Springer).
The LaTeX Compansion (2nd) Invaluable, recently updated. Detailed instructions on use of major CTAN packages. By Michel Goosens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander Samarin. (Addison-Wesley}. Worth every penny & more.
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Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Oklahoma
Site created December 16, 1999
Copyright © 2005 by Michael A. Morrison
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