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Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Oklahoma
Site created December 16, 1999
Copyright © 2005 by Michael A. Morrison
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Fortran & Scientific Programming Links
On-line tutorials r
Fortran 90 Essentials Cornell University on-line tutorial with sections for beginners and those who want in-depth training
Fortran 90 for Fortran 77 Programmers A nifty "interactive book" by Bo Einarsson and Yurij Shokin which you can also download & print. Also available in Swedish & Russian.
Modular Programming with Fortran 90 Excellent, well-organized on-line tutorial with PS option.
Liverpool Fortran 90 Courses A fabulous set of on-line courses at all levels, from beginner to advanced. Downloadable PS files.
Introductory Guides to download
University of Colorado FORTRAN Guides Introductions to Fortran 90 for novices & for Fortran 77 programmers. Also a few links.
Numerical and scientific software libraries
NAG FORTRAN Library On-line documentation in PDF format
Netlib Go here to browse, search, &/or download from Netlib.
Numerical Recipes Source for the code in the book we all know and love.
Fortran 90 References Comprehensive list as of 1996. TOP OF PAGE
Compilers and other software
Free Fortran software Exhaustive list of links (some broken) to free stuff.
GNU Fortran 77 Free, well-maintained compiler
Digital FORTRAN 90 The best, most cost-effective commercially available compiler + development studio. Not cheap. TOP OF PAGE
Recommenced Books
Fortran 90/95 Explained Michael Metcalf & John Reid (Oxford). An excellent guide for those who know FORTRAN 77.
Fortran 90 Programming T. M. R. Ellis, Ivor R. Philips, and Thomas M. Lahey (Addison-Wesley). Beautifully organized, clear introduction for those with no Fortran background. The book to have if you're having only one.
Digital Visual FORTRAN Programmer's Guide Michael Etzel and Karen Dickinson (Digital Press). If you use Compaq Digital Fortran, you need this book. The on-line version, which comes with the software, is no substitute. TOP OF PAGE